Templates and Recipes
What are templates and recipes?
A template is a set of attributes and settings for listings on a specific sale channel which is used for quickly creating or editing product listings. In case you make changes to the template, it will automatically updated to your applied listings.
A recipe is a set of templates for a specific channel which is designed to save you even more time. A recipe may contain shipping template, category template, pricing template and more, depending on the channel type. It can be assigned to products quickly in Channel Product list UI. Once a product is applied with a Recipe, all templates inside that Recipe will be applied to the product.
If you apply a template or a recipe to multiple listings, changes made to the template will also be updated on all of the listings with the template applied.
You can set a Template as Default to automatically apply to new listings. And you can also add Rules to Recipes to automatically apply to listings with various filter conditions.
How to create Templates?
To manage or add new templates , go to Listing Templates and Recipes from the left sidebar menu.
On the left panel, you can see your integrated channels. Each has its own set of templates.

To add a new template, click on +Add new template on the right of the screen. Each of the templates will require you to add different information to complete. You can fill in the template name for easy reference later on.

For more detailed information, read our marketplace-specific guides:
Create Facebook Shops Templates & Recipes
Create Google Shopping Templates & Recipes
Create Etsy Templates & Recipes
Create eBay templates & recipes
How to list products on Amazon
Default Templates

If you choose the template as default, it will be automatically applied every time you create new draft listings on that channel. Default templates will be marked with an icon (D).

How to create Recipes?
To add a new Recipe, users can access the Listing Templates & Recipes section and click on Listing Recipes. Here, users click on +Add new Recipe at the bottom left corner of the screen, then choose the corresponding templates. Then type in a name for the Recipes and hit Save.

How to apply templates and recipes
To apply the templates you’ve made to your listings, navigate to your channel listings page, under the Listing section on the left sidebar menu. Select listings you want to apply templates or recipes by checking the boxes and click Apply a template. Next, select the template you want to apply and click Action.

Whenever you want to delete a template that you don’t want to use anymore. Go to Template and Recipe section, then hover on the listing you want to take action, click on the Bin icon next to Edit button to delete your listing.

Rules for Recipes
What are the Rules for Recipes?
Rules for Recipes are designed to automatically attach Recipes/Templates to products when they are pushed from the Main Store to Sales Channels. Based on the rules configured by the user in the Recipe, the system will automatically apply templates for pricing, categories, shipping, etc. in the Recipe to products according to those rules.
How to configure Rules for Recipes?
To enable the system to automatically attach templates from Recipes to products when listed, users need to add Rules for that Recipe. Depending on the sales channel and the purpose of use, users can choose different templates and rules in different Recipes. To add a Rule to Recipes, users can access the Listing Templates & Recipes section and click on Listing Recipes. Here, users click on +Add new Recipe at the bottom left corner of the screen, then choose the corresponding templates.

After selecting templates, click on the +Add rule button. Users can create a maximum of 5 rules for a Recipe. The structure of a rule includes:
Logical condition between rules: And/Or
Product field
Comparison condition
Small condition within the rule: Any/All
Condition value

The And/Or selection is applied when choosing 2 or more rules:
Choose And: The system will automatically update if the product meets all conditions.
Choose Or: The system will automatically update if the product meets any condition.
When users click on the second column, the system will display a list of product data fields used to evaluate conditions. Different main stores may have different product data fields.

Then, choose the condition based on the selected product data field, and different conditions will apply depending on the user's choice:
Equals to: Compare the selected product data field value with the condition value.
Not equal to: Compare the selected product data field value not equal to the condition value.
Contains: Compare the selected product data field value contains the condition value.
Does not contain: Compare the selected product data field value does not contain the condition value.
Starts with: Compare the selected product data field value starts with the condition value.
Ends with: Compare the selected product data field value ends with the condition value.

Each rule will have a small condition of Any and All, used to check conditions within a rule:
Choose Any: If the product data meets any value entered in the condition value, the system will automatically update.
Choose All: If the product information meets all values entered in the condition value, the system will automatically update.
For example, with the "**Category**" field, users can choose multiple values as shown below:
Choose Any: The system will automatically update if the product's Category meets any value entered below.
Choose All: The system will automatically update if the product's Category meets all selected values below.

After entering all the necessary information, click Save to save the Recipe. Recipes containing rules will be marked with an icon (R), making it easy for users to identify which Recipes are automatically assigned to products when looking at the list of Recipes.

How does LitCommerce assign Recipes to products automatically?
To automatically attach a Recipe to a product, users go to the All products page, select the product to list on desired sales channels, and click Select Action. Next, click on List Product to Channels, choose the sales channel, and click Add as draft now.

Based on the conditions configured by the user in the Recipe's rule, the system will retrieve templates and attach them to the corresponding product. Users go to Channel Listings, and the results are displayed as shown below.

Updated on: 17/04/2024
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