Order Processing on LitCommerce: A Look into the Workflow
1. Condition to trigger Order Sync automatically
Orders will be imported to the Main store automatically when the following conditions are simultaneously met:
Inventory Sync is enabled: Order imports have an impact on inventory management. Therefore, it is necessary for the customer to enable this feature to avoid inventory mismatching.
If "Import Orders with Unlinked Products" is not enabled, at least one product must be linked to the channel for the orders to be imported.
Note: Only orders generated after enabling Inventory Sync will be imported to LitCommerce. From LitCommerce, Only orders generated after enabling Order Sync will be imported to the Main Store site. The scanning process and synchronization on LitCommerce occurs once in every 15 minutes, and a notification is displayed after each sync is completed.

2. Impact on Inventory when keeping "Auto Import Order to Mainstore" Disabled

Even when "Auto Import Order to Mainstore" is disabled, orders will still be imported into LitCommerce. Upon order import, the corresponding quantity will be deducted from the Mainstore inventory. Only products that are linked in the order will have their quantity reduced in the Mainstore.
For unlink products, you can manually link the products and then click on "Sync Order" to deduct the quantity from the Mainstore. In this case, orders that have successfully synced all the products in the order will be marked with an orange dot, as shown in the image below.

Handling Cancelled/Refunded Orders on Channels
When an order is cancelled or refunded on a channel, LitCommerce automatically restocks the items on the MainStore. However, there are some special cases to consider:
For Etsy Channel: As cancelled or refunded orders will be immediately removed from the Etsy system, LitCommerce will not be able to receive the information of the orders from Etsy accordingly. Therefore, in this case, products on the MainStore will not be automatically restocked. Please handle the restocking manually on your site.
For Amazon Channel: If an order is cancelled, the products on the MainStore will be restocked as usual. However, if an order is refunded on Amazon but the order status has not been changed to "cancelled," LitCommerce will not receive any notifications and not aware of the cancellation, and the MainStore will not be automatically restocked. Please either set the order status as "cancelled", or manually restock the items.
3. Order Processing with "Auto Import Order to Mainstore" Enabled

Once you enable the Inventory sync with at least one linked active listing on the sales channel, alll orders will be imported to LitCommerce. Enabling this option allows you to import orders to the Main Store. However, the order import process can be affected by certain configuration settings.
Default Order processing with only "Auto Import Order to Mainstore" Enabled
Defaultly, if you only enable the option "**Auto Import Order to Mainstore**", orders with all linked listings will be imported over to your Main Store, while those orders that contains unlinked products will be moved to tab "HAS UNLINKED PRODUCTS" on LitCommerce Order page.

For those Orders in tab HAS UNLINKED PRODUCTS, you can manually link the products and then click on "Sync Order" to import those orders to the Main store.

Once the orders are imported to Main Store, the orders will be marked with a green dot. All Items in the orders imported will be deducted in quantity on main store products accordingly.

Order Processing with option Import Orders to Main Store even if they contain unlinked products. enabled

If you enable this option, all orders will be imported over to your Main Store, including those orders that contain Unlinked listings.
**Quantity Update**
For those orders with unlinked listings, only the only the linked listings will get the quantity deducted from the Main store. while those unlinked listings will only be imported to main store order as text, without linking to any products and will not deduct the quantity accordingly.
**Processing orders on channel**
Cancel/Refund orders on channel: In case that you cancel or refund an order on your sales channel (except for the two cases of Etsy Cancelled Orders and Amazon Refunded but not yet Cancelled Orders above), only the linked listings will get the quantity updated, or deducted accordingly.
Complete orders on channel: Once the orders are imported to Main Store, If you complete the order on your sales channel, the Order status "Complete" and all tracking information will be updated automatically to the Main Store order for all orders, with or without unlinked products.
**Processing orders on Main store**
Cancel/Refund orders on Main Store: Cancel/Refund status of orders will not be synced from Main Store to the orders on sales channel. Please go to your sales channel to process the Cancellation or Issue a Refund.
Complete orders on Main Store: Once the orders are imported to Main Store, If you complete the order on your main store, Order completion on the channel will occur automatically for all orders, with or without unlinked products.
In most of the cases, LitCommerce automatically maps the tracking service if the service name on the channel and Main Store are exactly the same. However, there are situations where the tracking service on the Main Store and the channel may differ. In such cases, it is necessary to perform tracking service mapping to ensure the synchronization of tracking information to the channel.

**Orders in ERROR tab**

These are orders that encountered errors during the import process to the MainStore. To view the error message, click on the order, address the error, and then click on "Sync Order." If the error is not clear or easily resolvable, it is advisable to contact customer support for further assistance.
4. Some other important settings for Order management.
Order Processing with "Skip Unpaid Orders" Enabled

When enabling this option, any unpaid orders on the channel will not be processed and will not be imported into LitCommerce.
Order Processing with "Custom Tax Rate"

If the customer enables this option, LitCommerce will automatically separate the tax from the price before importing the order into the Main Store. This is useful when orders from the channel include tax in the overall price, but the tax amount is not separated in the order data obtained from the channel.
For example:
Tax Rate: The percentage of tax included in the order.
Tax Label: The label that will be displayed for the tax in the order when imported into the Main Store (available for WooCommerce or Shopify).
Tax Shipping: Determines whether the tax should be separated for the shipping cost or not.
By enabling this option and providing the necessary tax information, LitCommerce will accurately calculate and separate the tax amount from the order total, allowing for proper tax management and reporting in the Main Store.
Here is an example of the order imported without the Custom Tax Rate configuration:

If you configure the Custom Tax Rate as 20% in the channel settings, the order will be imported as below:

Import Order Without Tax
Orders will have the tax removed before being imported into the main system.

For users connecting Shopify as the Main Store, there are several tags that will be included when importing orders to Main Store, including:
Channel Name: This tag represents the name or identifier of the sales channel from which the order originated. It helps identify the specific channel through which the order was placed
Order Number: This tag indicates the unique identification number assigned to the order within the Shopify system. It helps track and reference the order for administrative and fulfillment purposes.
Channel Type: This tag specifies the type of the sales channel that the order got imported from.
Updated on: 17/04/2024
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