The number of listings on Ebay is limited. How to fix the issue ?
The number of listings on Ebay is limited. How to fix the issue ?
There’s a selling limit for all ebay sellers. To know more information about it, you can refer to the ebay docs Selling Limit and Zero Insertion Fee Listings ( Every eBay seller has a maximum selling price. It means that you can post and/or sell a particular number of products for a certain sum within the calendar month. Each selling account has its own set of selling limits.It is determined whether the eBay account is new or old.
Therefore, if you have an error message “ the listing would cause you to exceed the amount you can list. You can list up to xxxx $ more in total sales this month. Please consider reducing the starting price or request to list more:” on Ebay channel when you list a product on ebay, you can fix it as steps below

With “ no manage stock “ products on the mainstore, the quantity of listing on sale channel will be set 999 automatically. You adjust “For No Manage Stock listings, automatically set quantity to 1-2. This helps reduce the quantity of the listing on ebay, so you can list more listings

In case with products which are managed stock, you adjust the maximum quantity to 1-2 to decrease the quantity of listings on ebay. Therefore, it can list more listings

There’s a selling limit for all ebay sellers. To know more information about it, you can refer to the ebay docs Selling Limit and Zero Insertion Fee Listings ( Every eBay seller has a maximum selling price. It means that you can post and/or sell a particular number of products for a certain sum within the calendar month. Each selling account has its own set of selling limits.It is determined whether the eBay account is new or old.
Therefore, if you have an error message “ the listing would cause you to exceed the amount you can list. You can list up to xxxx $ more in total sales this month. Please consider reducing the starting price or request to list more:” on Ebay channel when you list a product on ebay, you can fix it as steps below

With “ no manage stock “ products on the mainstore, the quantity of listing on sale channel will be set 999 automatically. You adjust “For No Manage Stock listings, automatically set quantity to 1-2. This helps reduce the quantity of the listing on ebay, so you can list more listings

In case with products which are managed stock, you adjust the maximum quantity to 1-2 to decrease the quantity of listings on ebay. Therefore, it can list more listings

Updated on: 05/10/2023
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