Articles on: List on Marketplaces

How to list products on Amazon

Amazon is known for being a highly regulated marketplace when it comes to listing products on its platform, as they have stringent requirements for the information that needs to be provided for each product. However, in this article, we will walk you through each step to list your products from LitCommerce to meet their requirements and activate your product on Amazon successfully.

After successfully connecting to your Main Store and sale channels, LitCommerce will automatically import products from your main store website to the “All products” tab. In this article, we will show you step-by-step instructions on how to list your products on Amazon.

1 - Select products

First of all, you need to create a new draft listing. Please look at the left sidebar menu and navigate to All products.

Now, simply tick the corresponding checkbox next to the products you want to list on Amazon. Select Action and click to List products to a channel, then choose Amazon from the list.

All product data will be copied into draft listings, and from that point, listings data will be maintained separately from the original main store products.

Price, Inventory modification can be automatically applied to listings if configured in Channels settings.
Other field modifications can be automatically applied to listings using Default Templates

At this step, the listing has not been published in your Amazon store yet. Now it’s time to customize your listing information before going live.


When a user adds a draft listing for a channel for the first time, they will see the "Add default template" pop-up window appearing. This is specifically shown only during the initial addition of draft listings. It does not display all templates associated with the channel but only shows the required templates, typically the Category template and Shipping template. The purpose is to assist users in conveniently adding templates to apply information to multiple listings at once.

The templates, once added in this step, will automatically become the default templates and can only be added once using this method.

Users have the option to choose SKIP to bypass the process, and even if SKIP is selected, the pop-up will not appear again when adding listings for the second time.

2 - Edit draft listings

LitCommerce allows you to use the Amazon templates and recipes to edit multiple listings at once:
Navigate from the left sidebar menu, go through the Listing section and find your Amazon channel.

There are three main cases in which you can publish products on Amazon using LitCommerce. Please check the three cases listed below and choose a suitable case for you and follow the steps.

CASE 1: Your product already has an ASIN on Amazon Catalog

What is ASIN?

In this case, you will need to search for the ASIN in the search bar and assign to each item to let Amazon know what you are selling . You can search for the ASIN code using the product title keywords, SKU, or other product Identifiers such as GTIN, UPC,etc.

Once the ASIN is assigned, please enter all the required information and try publishing to Amazon.

There might be some possible errors:

Error 1: A value is required for the ‘xxxx’ field.

Solution 1:

If you encounter the above error, please go to the Listing Details tab (if using a template, please edit it in the template), click on Select Description Fields

Then search for the field that is reported as missing, then add it and enter the value for that field.

After selecting the field, please enter the value for it.

*Note: when searching for the missing field, replace the "" with a space._

Error 2: Some errors related to "Amazon restricted products": for example, an error message stating that the product cannot be sold under a certain brand, or not for sale with a certain condition,etc...

Solution 2: The tool will show clear error messages from Amazon for such errors, often with accompanying documentation links. Please follow the instructions in the error message to handle the issue

CASE 2: Your products do not yet have an ASIN on Amazon catalog, but has a GTIN (UPC, EAN, ISBN,etc)

Method 1: If you have GTIN, you can use the GTIN to search for a corresponding ASIN from Amazon Catalog. You can also try using your keywords from the title to find a matching product in the list and assign to your listing to let Amazon know what you are selling.

Please try entering the GTIN in the ASIN search field. If the customer's product is found in the search results, select that ASIN and proceed to case 1.

Method 2: If you can not find the ASIN using the GTIN, please try submit your products with the GTIN to see whether Amazon can approve your product list.

Simply enter the GTIN, select the correct GTIN type (if they have a UPC, enter the UPC; if they have an EAN, enter the EAN), and publish as usual.

Some customers might mistakenly believe that the UPC, EAN obtained from the main store will suffice. However, after entering the GTIN values (UPC, EAN, MPN, ISBN), they will be used to search within Amazon's system. If only there is a corresponding ASIN value, the product can be published normally.

NOTE: If you do not have the GTIN exemption, It is only possible to generate a new ASIN when you list products directly on Amazon seller central. In case that your products are new and the GTINs have not yet been listed to Amazon catalog, it is required to have a GTIN exemption to list products from LitCommerce, please check CASE 3

You might check your UPC whether it is valid online at:

Some possible errors:
If there are errors, or if a Product Type is required, there are two scenarios to resolve it.

“Please select the Product Type and fill in the Required (if any) or optional section. If you selected the Product Type but did not enter any information, Amazon will ignore the Product Type value you selected.

*You will need a GTIN exemption configured to see the Product type section. If you do not have the GTIN exemption to list on Amazon, please contact us for more information.”

If the GTIN can not be found on Amazon catalog, and you do not have a GTIN exemption you can use that GTIN to submit to create the product form on Amazon. Please check this article for some common listing errors and how to handle them by Submiting to create the product form on Amazon

Applying The GTIN exemption is one way to list your products on Amazon without having to provide the ASIN or other product identifier types of code. You can still attach the GTIN/UPC in your listings if you already have them, but if your products do not have ASIN, GTIN exemption is required in this case. In order to know more about GTIN exemption, please refer to CASE 3 below.

If you already have a GTIN exemption, please contact us and provide the confirmation email of the GTIN exemption from Amazon, and the information of the exemption to be configured in your account to be able to publish listings on Amazon using LitCommerce, and then proceed to CASE 3.

CASE 3: Listing products with the GTIN Exemption

What is the GTIN exemption?

If you already have the GTIN exemption from Amazon, please contact us and send us a copy of the confirmation from Amazon and provide us with the Brandname and category approved.
If GTIN exemption has not been configured, the interface will not show all the section you need and it will only display the Listing Details tab as below:

Once the GTIN exemption is configured on LitCommerce, you can use the Listing details template to provide the required information from Amazon listed in the error message.

How to use Listing details template to list your product:

In the case of products with variants, the Listing Details template must be used. This is because using the Listing Details template allows mapping the corresponding options from the main store to Amazon. (For each product type, Amazon only allows certain options to create variants, called the variant themes). Amazon requires you to map the variant theme to be able to transfer your variants over.

Section Brand

Accurately enter the brand name (if available) exactly as Amazon approved for GTIN exemption. The brand name of the seller will be sent by Amazon in the approved email, and there is no other way to check it before submission. If there is no brand, it can be skipped.

Section Dimension

They can map this information from the main store product attributes. This is important information. Even without this information, a new ASIN can still be created, but the product will be in an incomplete state (Incomplete can only be seen in the Amazon Seller Central, not on the publish store. When accessing the product link, it will show as Product Unavailable).

Section Battery

Amazon considers this as important information. If your product does not have a battery, this section can be skipped.

Section Category

It is referred to as the "Browser node" (Browse node is Amazon's product category organized in a hierarchical structure). It is not available for selection and requires manually searching for the node ID and entering it.
How to get Browser node id?

Section Product Type

This is the** most important information and is mandatory**. After the customer selects the product type, they will need to choose the Variant Theme and map the values from the main store (in the case of products with variants).

When mapping values for fields in the variant theme, particularly in cases where the variant theme includes attributes such as color-material, there will be corresponding variant mapping to two attributes on Amazon. If a product selects a variant theme like this, the product on Amazon will have two dropdown menus for customers to choose from.

This means that the attributes "color" and "material" will be mapped to separate dropdown menus on the Amazon product page, allowing customers to select their desired options for both attributes.

If the variant theme does not include a hyphen, it indicates that there is only one option available. In this case, there will be a single dropdown menu on the Amazon product page for customers to select the desired option.

For example, if the variant theme is "Size" without a hyphen, there will be a dropdown menu with different size options, and customers can choose the appropriate size from that single dropdown.

In case there are more options available in the main store for variants compared to what can be selected on Amazon, the mapping process would be as follows.

Let's take an example where the product in the main store has two options for variants: Style and Finish.

If on Amazon, the variant theme selected is "stylename," the mapping would be:

In the mapping template for the stylename variant theme, use {{ finish }} to retrieve the information for the Finish from the main store, and use {{ style }} to retrieve the information for the Style.

Customers have the flexibility to add any characters they prefer in the input field to serve the display purposes. In this case, after applying the template on Amazon, the product would appear as follows:

It will be showing on Amazon as below:

Section Amazon Fields

After selecting the product type, an additional section called "Amazon Fields" will appear. This section contains supplementary information specific to the selected product type. Customers can click on the "Select Additional Fields" button to choose the additional information they want you to include.

After selecting, the attributes will show in the corresponding section, please fill in the values for those added attributes.

There might be various messages from Amazon notifying about the required fields that need to be filled in. Please ensure that you provide all the necessary information as per the specific messages received from Amazon. You can refer to CASE 1 if you need more information to process this.

Save & publish the product to update the mapping.

After providing all the information that Amazon required, please try publishing your products again. Once the products go to Active on LitCommerce, it might take some time to load your listing and get approved to be showing up on your Amazon store.

Listing products on Amazon might be difficult with a lot of requirements from Amazon. It might take you some time to list your first product. However, once you get you template ready with all the information to publish your products, you can apply it to other products and get it listed easily.

Thank you for your patience and being with us by far. If there are any difficulties that you might have, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to walk you through.

Updated on: 06/06/2024

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