How to Fix Product’s Weight Not Displaying When Imported to Etsy
When publishing a product via our Etsy Integration tool, you might notice that the product weight isn't showing up on Etsy. In this guide, we will address how to resolve this issue.
If the product weight does not appear in the Item Weight section, it is likely that the weight is imported using a unit that Etsy does not allow.

While Etsy do supports various weight units, only specific ones are allowed for each store. This is because each shipping services only accept certain units.
You can fix this by changing the weight unit in the Channel Settings or by applying a Shipping Template to certain product groups.
To determine which units Etsy allows for your shop, follow these steps:
Log into your Etsy seller account
Go to your listings page
Create or edit a listing
Scroll down to Item Weight section
See which units are available
The units available may vary based on your country and the shipping services used.

For the image above, Etsy shows that both pounds and ounces are supported. However, when pounds are selected, the weight doesn’t display. Only when ounces are chosen does the weight display correctly.
Please note that the displayed units on Etsy may not always reflect the accepted ones. If the weight does not show up with the above steps, continue testing other options to see what works for your shop.
*Even if the weight doesn’t show up in the listing editor, it is still recorded by Etsy and will appear when you export the listings.
Why are my products’ weights not displaying on Etsy?
If the product weight does not appear in the Item Weight section, it is likely that the weight is imported using a unit that Etsy does not allow.

While Etsy do supports various weight units, only specific ones are allowed for each store. This is because each shipping services only accept certain units.
You can fix this by changing the weight unit in the Channel Settings or by applying a Shipping Template to certain product groups.
Identifying the Correct Weight Units
To determine which units Etsy allows for your shop, follow these steps:
Log into your Etsy seller account
Go to your listings page
Create or edit a listing
Scroll down to Item Weight section
See which units are available
The units available may vary based on your country and the shipping services used.

For the image above, Etsy shows that both pounds and ounces are supported. However, when pounds are selected, the weight doesn’t display. Only when ounces are chosen does the weight display correctly.
Please note that the displayed units on Etsy may not always reflect the accepted ones. If the weight does not show up with the above steps, continue testing other options to see what works for your shop.
*Even if the weight doesn’t show up in the listing editor, it is still recorded by Etsy and will appear when you export the listings.
Updated on: 10/09/2024
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