Articles on: Basics & Setup

Connecting WooCommerce as Mainstore

How to connect Woocommerce as the main store on LitCommerce?

The very first step is to connect your Woocommerce platform with LitCommerce app. With our app, your Woocommerce platform (as the main store) will be responsible for importing products and sales channel orders.

After logging in to your LitCommerce account, the Source Store setup page will appear on the screen. Here, you can choose WooCommerce from the list of supported eCommerce platforms by clicking on CONNECT button.

Next, please click on the button Download Plugin. You will be redirected to the plugin download page. Please download and install the plugin in WordPress. Then, click LitCommerce in the WordPress admin menu to begin.

Also, you can refer to our video guide on YouTube at:

All your data is protected under our Data Security Policy
You have the option to close your account and delete all your e-commerce data stored on LitCommere anytime. Please find more details about Close account here

Connect Woocommerce as Mainstore FAQ

Q: Does LitCommerce automatically import new products from Woocommerce to the app?
A: After successfully connecting Woocommerce with LitCommerce, all products on Woocommerce site will be automatically pulled to the All products tab on our tool.
If you create a new product on the Woocommerce site later and want it to be automatically imported to LitCommerce, please go to Settings and turn on option Auto import new product from WooCommerce to LitCommerce.

Q: If I make a change to the product information on Woocommerce, does LitCommerce automatically update the change to the app?
A: If you adjust product information on the Woocommerce site and want it to be updated automatically on All products tab on LitCommerce, please go to Settings and turn on option Automatically update changes from WooCommerce to LitCommerce

Q: When I remove a listing from my WooCommerce store, what happens to the product on LitCommerce?
A: When you remove a product from your WooCommerce site, it will be automatically removed from our tool on the All products tab.

Q: Does LitCommerce support importing descriptions in HTML?
A: Yes, LitCommerce does support importing descriptions in HTML.

Q: Does LitCommerce support importing Sale Price?
A: Yes, LitCommerce does support importing Sale Price.

Q: Where can I find the Item Specifics of a product in LitCommerce?
A: The Item Specifics of a product are shown as Custom attributes on the All products tab.

Q: Is there a default “Brand” field in WooCommerce?
A: No, there is no default “Brand” field in WooCommerce. If you want to enter a brand, you will need to use a brand plugin.

Q: What should I do if the order prefix cannot be imported to Woocommerce?
A: Please verify that the LitCommerce plugin is active in WooCommerce if the order prefix cannot be imported

Q: Does WooCommerce support backorders?
A: Yes, WooCommerce does support backorders. This allows customers to place backorders on your currently out-of-stock products that you are in the process of stocking up

Q: Does WooCommerce support importing Tracking Number by default?
A: No, WooCommerce does not support importing Tracking Number by default. To make this possible, you need to install 3rd Plugins. LitCommerce supports importing Tracking Number to the following plugins: Advanced Shipment Tracking, Orders Tracking for WooCommerce. If you use another plugin, please contact us for a solution.

Q: The tax is line itemed as "fees" in the cost breakdown. In a native Woocommerce order it is line itemed as "sales tax”. Is there a way to map the Amazon tax to "sales tax" rather than "fees"?

A: Since that is not the value that we want to import from Amazon, WooCommerce will automatically calculate the tax depending on your current settings if we enable Tax for the order.

Q: What should I do if I experience plugin issues blocked by Firewall?
A: If you experience plugin issues blocked by Firewall, please set up your Firewalls to whitelist the following IP addresses of the LitCommerce server.
1 server will have 1 IPv4 address and 1 IPv6 address.
Currently, we have 4 servers with IPv4 addresses as follows:

And 4 corresponding IPv6 addresses:

Q: What should I do if I encounter an error from the plugin when connecting to Woocommerce?
A: Kindly note that we do not support local hosts. If you encounter an error from the plugin when connecting Woocommerce, please ensure that your setup is not using a local host.

Q: Why can not I connect Woocommerce to LitCommerce and not see the button to connect to LitCommerce? How can I resolve this issue?

A: Cause: Plugin error.
In this case, we need your Woocommerce Login account info to check, or you can follow this link ( ) and provide us consumer key + consumer secret + WooCommerce site URL so that we can have access to your WooCommerce account to check that for you.

Q: What should I do if I don’t want to send my customers email to update the order status on WooCommerce?
A: By default, every time the order status is updated on Woocommerce, the buyer will receive a notification email (If this feature is enabled on Woocommerce). LitCommerce (on the latest version) has been customized to prevent sending notification emails to buyers for orders created from LitCommerce.
Please go to the Channel settings page of your sales channel on LitCommerce to utilize this feature:

If this option is enabled, the buyer will receive a notification email when you change Order Status.
If this option is disabled, the buyer will NOT receive a notification email when you change Order Status.

Q: What are the disadvantages that may happen on Woocommerce site if I uninstall LitCommerce app?
A: There can be several disadvantages if you uninstall LitCommerce app:
When you have a new order from your marketplace store, the buyer will receive notification emails as usual.
Custom columns (by LitCommerce) will no longer be visible on the order page.

The order number from the channel will NOT be imported and preserved in the order number in the Main Store. You also CAN NOT add a prefix to the order number from the sales channel.

Q: What happens to my subscription plan if I uninstall the LitCommerce app or close my LitCommerce account?
A: In case you uninstall LitCommerce app or close LitCommerce account, your subscription plan will not be canceled.
If you close your account to switch to a different Mainstore, you can continue using the subscription purchased previously.
If you want to cancel your subscription and uninstall the app, please go to the tab Subscription plan and click Cancel Subscription to stop it from being renewed automatically each month

Updated on: 05/10/2023

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